Well, Santa's new years resolution was to do a better job of blogging this year. So here's the first 2015 entry!
Nov 27 Blog entry
Had a four hour gig
at Kitty Hawk Kites today in the sun with temperatures at 70+ degrees! While
Santa had the usual requests for Lego's, especially the Star Wars variety and
Doll Babies of various types( Barbies and American Girl dolls, of course),
robots seemed to be very popular this year and remote controlled dinosaurs from
Jurassic World!
Then there were the more unusual requests, one little
girl wanted a chair... a pink one of course! Then there was the young fellow
who wanted a fork lift, after we picked Mom up, we determined it was a toy fork
lift that he wanted! Santa had one little girl request a robot horse... big
enough for her to ride! Another young lady wanted a mermaid tail to help her swim
better. Of course, she wanted the removable type!
It's funny you can never tell from how the kids look what
they are going to ask for. For example, one perfectly normal looking youngster
told me he wanted a cow. I asked if his room was big enough for the cow and
when he said no, I Explained to him that Mom and Dad don't want it in their
room either! Another little one asked for chocolate and donuts(separate and
equal) and as she walked away, she turned and said, "Oh, and I want candy,
too, Santa!"
One little girl was adamant that she wanted a real live
elf! So I explained to her that I would have to speak to the Queen of Faeries
and how would it be if the Elf came and visited her in her sleep. She could
leave notes maybe! That seemed to satisfy her fine!
And I will leave you with the request of a young lady who
wanted just one thing . . . her Dad, who is on deployment right now. Well,
Santa couldn't promise to bring him right back but I told her I would do my
best to take care of him until he returned. And he will be in my prayers until
And Santa is signing off for now, tomorrow will be
another busy day with an appearance at the Bazaar at the Ramada and Kitty Hawk
Kites from 1-6.
Santa's 2015 look!