Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sun. Dec. 11

Santa had a pretty good day even if I feel like crap.  That's the thing about being Santa, you have to be cheerful, regardless of how bad you feel. Sudafed is good for clearing the head, tho.

Santa must have had half a dozen sets of twins on his lap, because we had the Infant ICU Unit reunion at Baptist East. This is where the babies that have been in the NICU unit come back so the nurses can see them after they have grown up some.  They are so tiny when they are in the unit and attached to all these monitors, it's very scary for the layman!  But these nurses lavish so much love on these tiny bodies that it is truly amazing.

Most of them were still  too young to tell me what they wanted for Christmas but there were some memorable moments like when Becky and Jeremy's son, Jackson came running, as fast as his little legs would carry him, all the way across  the room. Last year he was a bit more, shall we say, reluctant! Times like that warm a Santa's heart!

Then it was on to EastChase where I heard the following requests, among others:
One little girl wanted everything, she was maybe 4!

Another wanted an air swimmer and a pink guitar.
            And one wanted a tiger and an airplane!

                  Oops, I almost forgot, there was a little girl that wanted a Bug Box. I asked her if that meant a box full of bugs and found out from her Mother, she was talking about an insect collection box from a science kit!  If i could only get her together with the fellow that wanted ladybugs...

A young boy wanted a bow & arrow and a bicycle. I asked if he planned on using them at the same time, I guess not from the look I got!

Ok, so far these are, in no particular order, the most unusual requests for Christmas gifts from Santa, for today anyway: A reindeer with a button, that when pushed,  jumps up on the roof and walks around;
a fire pole; and last but not least, a fork!  

 Out of the mouths of babes!

Tomorrow I am going to try a literal translation for you of some of the lists Santa has received this year!

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