Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 24, 2011

This is one I did not get published from last year.  It was Christmas Eve after all and I was a bit rushed.  Anyway here it is:

Sat. Dec. 24

Christmas Eve and you know it's going to be a good day when the first little girl tells me she already had high heels so not to bring those to her, but her sister did need them. She did tell me where Costco was in case I needed to pick anything up at the last minute.

 Teen ager wearing a Shirt with "Dear Santa, It was my crazy Mother's fault" and "Naughty" printed across her bottom.

 A couple of family groups including three lads who told me they werè making their mother happy, I told them that was a good Christmas present for her Had a little girl that would not smile for anything until her Mother blew a small bicycle horn she had on her keychain

 Young man brought me his list, (I'm going to start publishing the lists too), that listed  nine things, of which his Mom told him he couldn't have three

 A little guy who wanted a "cars" table,  "Cars 2" is by far the most requested video this year.

A little girl just requsted a Barbie , the pink one!  Barbies and american Girl dolls are about even this year

Just had the cutest little girl, about 9 months,  in a red dress just sit on my lap.  No drama she just cooed  and laughed the whole time.

Brother/ sister combination up next, he wanted an iPhone, she wanted a pink and purple.    Pink and purple what she wouldn't say but she did clarify it by emphatically saying dark pink.   Brother said he thought she wanted a cheerleader but I'm not sure how that works. 

 We have  had a lot of last minute shoppers, family groups,  today   Another eazy-bake oven which seems to be the  most popular thing for girls. Right up there with baby dolls. Legos continue to be popular with the boys and I had one little girl who wanted a tinker toy set to build with.  One little guy wanted a hammer, screwdriver, and a wrench.  I asked if he was going to build things or fix them.  He decided he would be fixing things. 

Spurs (wish I could remember what this was but I'm drawing a blank)
One thing I am really going to miss this year is a family that I had visited on Christmas Eve for at least 5 years.  It was so much fun to watch those children get bigger and older.  It also brought a tear to my eye when one little girl, who was my favorite, reached that age!  You know the age I mean, when everybody says there is no Santa Claus!  Well, Faithful Reader, y'all know there is a Santa Claus because he represents the Spirit and Love that is the Christmas season!  I'm still going to miss that family this year!

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