Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Requests from Dec 7-9

    Back again!  After a weekend when I wore the big red suit a total of 20 hours I have a few requests and comments to relate.  Probably the most requested item over the whole weekend was Legos.  Boys and girls want Legos this year, specific sets and just Legos!  Baby dolls were popular, especially LOL dolls!  Scooters and dirt bikes came up pretty often.  The most popular electronic item is the Nintendo Switch but let's talk about the more unusual requests.  My costumer friends will be glad to know I had two separate little girls ask for sewing machines!  Then there was the little boy who wanted a shotgun, a cap gun and handcuffs!  Not sure what he is going after but watch out!  Two Moms came up to me out of earshot of the kids and one asked for World Peace and some really cute shoes!  The other wanted new underwear!
    Had one little guy come up and he was so sad because he had accidentally touched his elf, which of course makes the elf lose their magic.  So after he apologized  I had his Mom hold up her had and I gave her the magic to bring the elf back!   
Lest you think all children think only of themselves, on two separate occasion I had something happen that boosted my faith in this next generation.  One little girl only wanted one thing and that was that her brother not get cancer anymore!  Another little one asked for toys for all the kids that weren't going to get any this year. . . wise beyond her years, she was!
    Mermaids and unicorns are popular this year, in fact one little girl asked for something that was a combination of the two!  One little one wanted a unicorn to ride and another wanted a remote control unicorn, while another request was for a mermaid with wings that could swim.  Not sure about that one!  And one asked for a unicorn and a rabbit as a pet!
    There was one little boy who had several cars on his list, including a Zebra car but his most unusual request was a watermelon.  When I asked what his was going to do with a watermelon he said, "Smash it with a hammer!"  To each his own, I guess!  Another wanted a giant stuffed Blue dog! and a recorder, because he wanted to learn how to play it!  One little girl wanted a new dress and her sister wanted a football!
    I want to close by telling you about a little girl about seven who came to sit on my lap.  I will usually tell the kids that I like their dress, or sweater or shirt, if they are wearing something special!  She was wearing a gorgeous long dress and I told her how pretty it was.  She explained to me that she tried to dress like she thought Ms. Claus would dressed.  I told her that was a very nice of her and Mrs. Claus would have been proud of her.  That was the biggest smile I saw all night!  I am so glad I get to gladden the hearts of so many kids.  I probably saw between 4 and 500 kids this weekend.  So that's the latest from Santa's Lap!

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