Well, I just finished 20+ hours in the big red suit this weekend! So I'm going to give you a sample of what I heard from the wonderful children! There are a few pictures of them earlier on my timeline, check them out! The weekend started at Kitty Hawk Kites and went to The Christmas Shop on Black Friday and after that I alternated locations Saturday and finished at The Christmas Shop today!
One of the first little girls to sit on my lap, asked for a Barbie doll and when I asked her, as I usually do, how many Barbies she had, the reply was a very definite 56! Another little girl who must have been from the northern provinces asked for a snowboard because she already had skis. This year, by far the thing most requested is Slime, usually by girls! One little boy asked for a parrot, a Nerf gun( second most requested item) and a drone. I had to ask him if he was going to shoot at the parrot with the Nerf gun, but he said no, he was going to shoot at the drone! the very next young guy wanted an Aircraft Carrier, a toy one he quickly added! Good thing, wouldn't want to blow the budget on one of those big guys!
There was someone who wanted to recreate a photo from 10 years ago. I didn't have the heart to tell her I had only been doing the gig at Kitty Hawk Kites for 6 years, but I guess, to some folks all Santas look alike! There was one little girl wearing a t-shirt that said, "I love my family more than I love Pizza, and I really love pizza!" A little boy had one that said "Cookie Tester" Lots of requests for Legos and unicorns again this year.
One little girl, no, there were two, totally separate requests, hours apart, both girls, that wanted a frog! One boy asked for two Nerf guns, so he could give his Dad one, of course! There was a request for a gift card to Nike and a young lady asked for gift cards to Starbucks and Bed, Bath and Beyond!
On Saturday there were two sisters who came together, the youngest one asked for a doll that moves while her older sister, a teenager, asked for Peace on Earth. If only it were mine to give, she would have it now! Another little one asked for "bath and hair stuff" There was also someone who asked for a monster truck, black, named Fred! and another who wanted a Gravedigger monster truck! This was followed by a little girl who wanted a mermaid Barbie.
There were several requests for costume, an elf costume, a unicorn costume and a dinosaur costume. Several requests for dinosaurs and when I asked one little guy if he wanted a real one he determined he wanted a stuffed one because he didn't want to have to feed a real one! A basketball hoop was one request along with a fireball that flies up in the air by itself! Another little girl asked for a beanbag chair.
Now there were two very unusual this weekend. The first one Mom had to explain it to me. This one girl asked for her class elf for the weekend. It seems that her Spanish class has an elf that goes home with some one each weekend and that person has to write about the elf's adventures in his journal, in Spanish. It reminded me of Jimmy's kindergarten class that had a hamster, named Rita, that went home with someone each weekend. Jimmy loved Rita!
Now it isn't often that Santa hears a gift request for something totally new to him, but I had one boy ask for a toilet paper roll gun! So after some research I found this: In a couple of days I will share some of the letters to Santa I got this weekend! That's it for now from Santa's chair! Happy shooting!
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