Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018

Well, wasn't that interesting. Started the evening off by going to the wrong Beach Club sat through a time out for rain in Manteo and had about 75+ kids on my lap to end the evening. It seems there are more than one Beach Club on the beach road. After I got that straightened out I went to the Festival of Trees! There were some gorgeous trees there that will be up for auction tomorrow! Saw several children and gave them all gift bags from Hotline, the sponsor of the event!
Then it was off to Manteo, traffic had slackened off by 6:30 because I had reports earlier it was backed up to Lone Cedar! Of course Santa had to talk his way past the police barricade but I was in full regalia so that was not a problem. Of course there were a bunch of kids standing in my reserved place but there was another a couple of places back and I was there in place by 6:40. Then about halfway through the lineup it started to rain! Well since it was only one small cloud and moving fast, the show was halted for 10 minutes, the crowd stayed and we cut to the end of the show which was Santa's big entrance while all the kids were singing! After the show, Santa hustled over to Magnolia Pavilion to hear what the kids wanted and let them get a picture with Santa. Lot's and lot's of kids and it was a constant pressure but we got through it! Every child had their picture taken and was given a candy cane after they told Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Fit Bits were popular to night and smart watches, with a few baby dolls and Barbies thrown in for good measure. Did have one call for a Rapunzel doll. Pokémon cards were called for an d Nerf guns, asked one little girl who she was going to shoot and she replied, "My Mom!" Had several familiar faces on my knee tonight, including one little one from church who told me she wanted a purple alligator for Christmas, another little girl wanted a unicorn she could ride and one other wanted a real horse she had been working with for a long time! Also our preacher and his family came to see Santa! And that's it for tonight, tomorrow is a busy day!Image may contain: 3 people, including Leslie Seals, people smiling, people standing

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