Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Santa at Southern Crossing November 24th, 2018

Wow, I forgot just how exhausting this time of year gets! Of course today, in addition to a Santa appearance I went to church and Sunday School, wash, dried and sorted 4 loads of laundry, sewed a button on one Santa suit, which meant I needed to reinforce the other buttons so they wouldn't fall off in the middle of a gig, put up some Christmas lights and wreaths and now I am sitting down to write how the last few Santa appearances went.

This entry may have two parts, if I fall asleep writing! I am weary, I find! Yesterday Santa started with a bang at Southern Crossing, we had someone in the place constantly from 10 until 11:30. I'm not sure how many it was but There were several families that I knew and that always makes it more fun! Had a couple of extended families and that brought new meaning to herding cats in a thunderstorm. All in all it was a great time and we ended up with some great pictures. Had one friend who was there with her two little ones and I think she maybe going to have a Christmas baby. She asked me to explain Santa have to might visit their house on a night other than Christmas Eve! Santa is keeping his fingers crossed for them!

Santa received several very special pictures which I will share in a later post and a delicious muffin prepared by one young friend and taste tested by her sister! I also have a sampling of Christmas lists to share with all y'all! There was one puppy in for a picture, it was a Golden/doodle, a breed I'm not familiar with, but cute as a bug! One of the first requests I got was for a fake mustache, then there was the young fellow that wants a hot tub! Legos are still very popular as are LOL dolls and Nintendo Switch! But I had one request for a tree house and another a drill set. Then someone wanted a golf set, pants, shoes and glove! One of the more unusual combinations was the little guy that wanted workout shorts, cashmere hoodie and a drill set!  There was one who wanted a backscratcher. You know sometimes the younger ones get right to the point: one little guy wanted a ball! Baseball, football, basketball, didn’t matter, he just wanted a ball! Another wanted a TRAIN, all caps. There was also a request for "a car with a helicopter on top that shoots water in the bathtub" Sounds like fun at bath time, at least he's in the tub! Then there was the one who wanted a boat powered by a rocket and a zoomer puppy!

Well that's as far as I'm going tonight, more to follow tomorrow when I'll tell you about the boy who wants coal! But first I have to close with this thought: I have frequently said I have the best job in the world at this time of year and I want to TRY to explain what I mean when I say that. I am lucky enough to experience the love of all these wonderful children and I try to help them realize in some small way that we all love them too and this season is all about love!

And that's the story from Santa's lap for tonight!

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