Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 11, 2013
Santa was at Kitty Hawk Elementary
school today. Many requests that were all over the place: for example, A jet ski, an Easy bake oven, a Dinosaur , and A shark tooth kit?
Then there were Girl Legos( pink and purple),Good Transformers, as a posed to bad ones, A stuffed bunny, and a Castle, complete with knights. I was also asked for a 4 wheeler and a PC, "That's a Personal Computer, Santa"

There were some interesting questions that came up, such as: How many elves do you have? Well, Santa has learned to think quickly, so I turned it around and asked the child, "Do you know how many grains of sand there are on the beach?" (we do live on the Outer Banks, after all) Of course she didn't know the answer, so I explained there are so many elves that I can't keep count. Then Santa was asked, "Whose your favorite reindeer?" So I came up with the Deer of the Month Club, where Santa chooses one deer who gets his picture put up inside the barn. Donder(that is NOT a misspelling) was last month's choice with Rudolph the month before and I haven't chosen this months deer yet! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Since this was an elementary school there were pictures on all the walls and one teacher had given the assignment: "What would I give Santa?"
The results were posted on the wall.  Here are some of them:



December 12, 2013
The day started at the Dare Center where I shared lunch with the Seniors Group, a fine bunch of folks who are all much younger than their years! There was even a couple from our church who didn't recognize me!

Then it was on to Kitty Hawk Elementary where one young lad wanted a Penny board which is not a board you put pennies in, it's a skate board Another fellow wanted a Pet... Parrot, I explained that they live a long time but he decided he still wanted it! There was a request for a tree house and also a dollhouse. One little girl wanted another doll baby to go with the 10 she has now! There were several lists that had Lego sets on them, and one American Girl Doll! Someone else wanted some Pokémon cards, X Y, please!
At this point Santa went down to visit the after school group, mostly 4 & 5 year olds who had been coloring pictures of Santa's elves! After I went around the room making physical contact with each child. I find that age group to be a very tactile group! Then I walked over to where the pictures were posted and after looking at them for a moment, I walked up and pointed at one and said, "Hey that guy works at the North Pole(short pause) so does that one . . . and that one, and that one! Wait a minute all these guys are in my workshop!" Needless to say that was a hit with the wee ones!
One little guy just wanted clear connectors for the bracelets he made.
Now every once in a while you get a request that is so unusual that Santa hasn't heard it before, this time it was a little girl about 5 who wanted . . . A HARP!
Finally, it is such a treat to get children that are thinking beyond themselves: the first was a little girl who asked for a big box of Teddy's to share with her friends with one for her! The second was a young lady who asked for " Some one direction stuff, rubber bands, and for everyone to have a good Christmas!"



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