Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3,2012

Last night I met with a really neat mentoring group at Western Sizzlin'  Thats a tough venue because the tables are really close together and everything smells so good!  Met a lot of great kids and mentors and its the first time Santa has been told he was pretty!  Didn't get any unusual requests so I am publishing a note from last year I never got to:
December 23, 2011
The eve of Christmas eve started with a rush: no one was in line at 2  but by 3 minutes after 2 the line stretched almost to the door. And it stayed that way for about an hour.  So I'm going to forget some of the requests I'm sure but don't tell the kids.
There were a couple of new Santa's band members,  one guitar and an Elmo drum!  And we just requited a trombone!
Two brothers wanted underarmour and that's the first time I've had someone ask for underwear
One little girl wanted a horse and a Zebra but decided if she got two horses she could paint stripes on one and have her Zebra.
Two teenage girls decided they didn't need anything but they would like world peace!
 Several scooters were requested and I always remind them that helmets are required, skateboards Require knee & elbow pads too
Ok this was one of the best I've had: there was a family group, baby, toddler and kindergartener, after settling the toddler, (see my post about age that can be the most difficult ) and getting the picture, the oldest began to tell me what she wanted.   First thing on her list was real flying wings.   I looked at her Mom and she repeated, yes she wants wings that will let her fly.  Well, thinking on the fly, no pun intended,well maybe, and seeing the long suffering expression on Mom's face, I could see the problems on Christmas morning if there were no working wings.   So I simply told her there is an age requirement for all wings.  Just like you have to be 16 to get a driver's license, in order to be issued wings you have to be(pause here while I ask her how old she is, 5 it seems,) 12 years old.  While she was disappointed it was not the blow of finding out on Christmas morning that Santa had failed to grant her wish.  So we went on to her next wish...The ever popular baby doll.
 Had a young lady whose only wish was for her dog's eye to get better.
A man come into the store wearing a hat that looked like a chimney with Santa's legs sticking out,  it was funny.
two little boys brought Santa a present about the size of a thimble but I can't open it until Christmas. I wonder what it is. (When I opened it, I found the tiniest nativity set ever! I will publish a picture!  It was a perfect gift for Santa)
Had a little guy about three request a yellow guitar so I signed him up for Santa's band also.
A young fellow asked for a metal detector so he could find money.
Had a split family with two daughters come up.  I could tell they were a divided family because one daughter wanted a Roll Tide doll and the other one wanted an Auburn teddy bear

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