Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 1, 2017

  1. Tonight was the big tree lighting in Manteo and Santa was there. There was a huge crowd and everyone had a great time! After all the wonderful performances and the Christmas tree lights coming on, all the children were invited to come upstairs and talk to Santa and a lot of them did, over 150 anyway!
    Here's what Santa heard in terms of wishes tonight: Legos and Nerf guns still lead the parade in term of most desired gifts. One little guy wanted his Dad's truck and his Dad's boat, when I asked what Dad was going to do then, he did say he would share with him, so get in line, Dad, you will have to take your turn when it comes around! One little girl wanted a live horse and when I asked her where she was going to put it, she said, "My back yard!" further questioning revealed she wasn't sure how big her backyard was because she couldn't remember how long it took to walk across it. This was one for further pondering, I'm afraid! There was a request for a turtle she could ride, guess she had been to the aquarium! And a request for a dolphin! Several Barbies were requested and skateboards and bikes are always favorites with the occasional unicorn. Did have a request for a telescope tonight from a young lady and she wanted to use it to look at the moon and planets! When I asked her favorite planet she said, "Earth"!
    One older teenager asked for world Peace and another little one asked for a cat to replace her cat, Scratches, who had been lost for "lots of weeks!" But my favorite tonight was the little girl who said she needed to whisper in my ear and she told me that her Momma worked so hard she wanted a robot to do the cleaning for her so she could rest a bit! I told her I wanted her to go over and give her Mom a big hug! And she did! That's the latest from Santa's lap. Parade tomorrow, hope to see lots of you there!

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