Yes, Santa, I have been good!

Yes, Santa, I have been good!
One of my alltime favorite Santa pictures!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

November 29, 2017

  1. Let me give you a glimpse at a day in the life of Santa: I was subbing at FFHS with intentions of doing nothing more this evening than helping Jimmy decorate the tree. During lunch I got a phone call and it was a lady with a problem. She had arranged for a Santa for pictures at the Country Deli and he had just called her to say he had fallen and injured himself. She asked if I could help out because her daughter, a student at FFHS was working on the photos as a project. A...fter a couple seconds deliberation I agree to fill in from 5-7 knowing this was a pro Bono situation which was fine because she told me they would give me supper. So I rushed home, made supper for the boys, got dressed as Santa and was back at the Country Deli by 5pm
    It was a fun time, the people there are the nicest folks I have met in a long time and the chow is great. We didn't have a large number of kids for pictures tonight but the ones that were there were a lot of fun. One little girl wanted a fairy tale book, so we talked about what fairy tales she liked and they were Snow White and Cinderella. One nice thing about not having a line is that you get to spend some time with each child! Then there was a little boy who wanted a Grinch Tractor(a new one on me) and we talked about how the Grinch stole Christmas and he got this grin on his face. So I think I know why he wanted the Grinch tractor!!
    My favorite moment of the evening was this: one of the students who was there helping, halfway through the gig, looks at me and says, "now I know why you grow your beard that way" I said, "Yes, this is why" she then told me, that the students call me Santa Claus and I explained to her I had thought that might be the case!
    All in all a fun evening, I helped someone out, I brought some joy to some children, I laughed, I had a great conversation with a lady who was waiting for her dinner, I had a fabulous sandwich, and when I got home Jimmy and I got part of the tree decorated! What else could I possibly ask for from one evening!

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